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SilversJacobson, LLC
01 Jan 2016
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
We created SilversJacobson for one purpose: To advance our clients’ goals by providing personal, senior-level expertise in reputation risk management, crisis, corporate issues and other public relations challenges. REPUTATION RISK MANAGEMENT - Strengthen your company's care of its most valuable asset by factoring in the unique unpredictability and dangers of a public relations crisis. CRISIS PUBLIC RELATIONS - Minimize or avoid potential damage from any bad news situations -- especially the ones that nobody saw coming -- or didn't want to. CORPORATE AFFAIRS AND ISSUES -- Advance the company's business goals while enhancing and leveraging its reputation asset as a distinctive competitive advantage. Our three integrated practice areas incorporate SilversJacobson’s proprietary Reputation Asset Management Platform™ (RAMP), a proven, pragmatic planning framework representing some 30 years’ experience in helping clients from new ventures to industry leaders. Most of our clients have talented communications teams. T
Office United States
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Lakewood, CO - Colorado, United StatesServices
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