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Colorado Springs, CO
01 Jan 2009
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Gain-Stovall, Inc. (GSI) is a Colorado Springs based Public Relations and Government Relations firm. Public Relations (PR) is the creative art of telling your company story in a way that appeals to your audience. It is the art of engaging in relationships that benefit everyone involved. GSI believes PR success requires looking at the big picture and creating a strategy for interacting with the target audience. PR complements advertising and is a vital element of a business and marketing plan. Rosanne Gain and Bob Stovall have the expertise to plan and execute a successful communication strategy. GSI learns the clients’ business, their objectives and what sets them apart from the competition. GSI and the client together craft and implement a PR plan tailored to the client’s needs. Successful PR delivers a message using print, broadcast and new or social media. The message must be thoughtfully crafted, consistent and frequently delivered to the right audience. GSI provides media interview training to designated
Head office
Colorado Springs, COServices
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