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Shift Communications
01 Jan 2003
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Communications today is equal parts art and science. SHIFT is that rare combination of both. We apply data and analytics to engineer the who, what, when, where and how behind programs. We harness creativity, empathy and expertise to craft compelling narratives, produce breakthrough campaigns and tell stories that connect on a personal level. Then we use advanced targeting to get them in front of the people who matter most. SHIFT is powered by 100+ strategists, creatives, data nerds and media hounds who don’t settle. We dig deeper, push harder and reach higher to help brands break through and thrive. Two things matter to us. Conceiving and unleashing amazing work with our clients, and celebrating what happens when we do. That’s why our work is anything but predictable. And why high-visibility companies have chosen to partner with us. Our experience spans consumer brands including Evite and McDonald’s, tech innovators like Appirio, Eloqua, Kaspersky Lab and Rethink Robotics, and health companies like Doximity,
Office United States
Head office
Boston, Massachusetts, United StatesServices
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