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Perry Communications Group
Sacramento, CA
01 Jan 1996
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Perry Communications Group is an independent, full-service strategic communications firm specializing in public relations and public affairs. We are big thinkers and shrewd strategists. We’re best known for our depth of experience in health care, but our award-winning work doesn’t stop there. We apply the same great thinking and fresh creativity to the consumer, education, environment, housing, legal and non-profit issues we’re tapped to tackle because we have the right mix of expertise in house to serve you. Our business is all about relationships, and we recognize our success depends on the integrity of our collaborations with the media, government and stakeholder groups. That’s why we’re never short-sighted, and we weigh mutual benefits to ensure we’re putting the best interests of our clients first. We excel at working with local and state governments, and for the past 17 years have worked with many local and national FORTUNE 500 companies, major industry associations and top charitable organizations. Per
Head office
Sacramento, CAServices
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