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Highwire PR
01 Jan 2008
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Highwire is a modern communications agency designed for disruptive companies. Our roots in journalism and Silicon Valley give us the drive, imagination and experience to create meaningful business results through smart communications programs. At Highwire we begin with the end in mind—meeting your business objectives through strategic communications using a smart, informed approach that’s founded on relevance and insight. We roll up our sleeves and immerse our experts in your business, turning your challenges and goals into greater awareness, growth and sales. At Highwire PR, we are entrepreneurs, makers, and explorers. We are committed to fostering an inclusive agency environment, where every employee can be seen, heard, and valued. We believe in taking and owning a seat at the table, and the equal importance of creating empowered spaces for diverse storytellers. We seek to hire, develop, and retain talented professionals from a wide range of backgrounds. Applicants from historically marginalized or underrep
Office United States
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San Francisco, CA, United StatesServices
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