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Prosio Communications
Roseville, CA
01 Jan 2013
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Prosio Communications is a full service public relations, community outreach and marketing firm located in Roseville, California. A certified California small, woman and minority owned firm, we specialize in media relations and community outreach programs, but our work doesn’t stop there. Our clients also rely on us to help them build their brands through social and traditional media, create compelling ads and marketing materials, plan and execute events designed to reach diverse audiences, and navigate challenging community outreach situations. We help our clients make an impact in the communities they serve, and change the way people think and behave. We work on projects that affect people where they live, work and play. We want to help you tell your story, because we’re pretty sure you have something interesting to say. There’s a lot of noise in the marketing world, and it’s our job to help you cut through it and stand out. Prosio Communications is a CMAS approved contractor. #4-20-03-0798A
Head office
Roseville, CAServices
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