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Buddingh & Associates, Inc.
01 Jan 1994
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Buddingh & Associates is a boutique marketing firm that focuses on small business marketing by developing a unique strategy for each client that sets them apart from their competition. These strategies are crafted by combining our decades of experience with a research-based approach to help our clients. By using an investigative ‘fact based’ method, B&A provides well thought out recommendations and educated decisions for our clients. The emphasis on researching the product/service, company, and industry lets us better understand the clients' business opportunities and competition before recommending any marketing strategies or tactics. This unique approach for its clients separates B&A from other marketing companies. Our office is located outside of Chicago in Naperville, IL. B&A marketing services include: - Market Strategy - Market Research - Public Relations - Web Design & SEO - Newsletters & E-Newsletters - Graphic Design - Logo Design
Office United States
Head office
Naperville, ILLINOIS, United StatesServices
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Public Relations Firms
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