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Davis Public Relations and Marketing
01 Jan 2004
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Davis Public Relations and Marketing is an independent public relations consulting firm based in Columbia, South Carolina and serving clients throughout the Southeast. As an independent and locally-owned firm, we offer our clients highly individualized attention and exceptional personal service. We believe that we offer clients something they don’t often get from larger agencies – direct access to senior-level strategists and business partners who place your best interest as our number one priority, whether we work with you on a project basis or as your consultants of record. Through strategic partnerships, we have assembled a stellar virtual team of highly experienced consultants and vendors, giving us the flexibility to meet a variety of needs and to ensure that we always have the right team in place to get the job done while keeping overhead at a minimum. Some of the services we offer include: – Strategic public relations planning – Brand development and reputation management – Media and community relation
Office United States
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Columbia, SC, United StatesServices
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