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IBJ PR & Marketing Consultants
01 Jan 2012
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
When your business is just starting, finding a foothold in the industry can be an overwhelming task. One of the hardest challenges for a budding company is gaining the attention and the trust of business partners and customers, which requires precise communication. Reaching out doesn't have to be hard when you hire IBJ PR & MARKETING. We are a boutique communications company. We serve business visionaries, new businesses and private ventures in assorted enterprises over the globe. We assist our customers in rising viably in their ventures by propelling and developing a strategy in media and outreach. Our team works diligently to encourages positive images, growth, innovation and foundational balance. We offer assistance with copywriting, content development, public relations, and branding.
Office United States
Head office
Raleigh, NC, United StatesServices
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