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M//G B2B Marketing
01 Jan 1987
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
M//G B2B has been helping businesses large and small flourish since 1987. Businesses that know exactly where they want to go, but might need a little marketing help to get there. We are the agency that will help you get there. We’ve survived and thrived during three decades of drastic change in an industry that is highly unpredictable. We have embraced that change and adapted to it easily and without hesitation, an extremely agile company that focuses on getting clients the right mix of traditional advertising and the latest digital marketing to be successful. Marketing trends can be cool, but they may not work for your particular business – we evaluate your specific needs and custom-build a program that will work for you. This unique agility is what has helped both our clients’ businesses and our own prosper even as technology and marketing evolve with lighting speed.
Office United States
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New Haven, CT, United StatesServices
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