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Strategic Vision PR Group
01 Jan 2001
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Strategic Vision PR Group is an award winning full-service public relations agency. We develop and implement branding strategies, media relations campaigns, social media campaigns, government relations programs, crisis communications plans, and creative strategies to build reputations and influence audiences for our clients that position our clients for today and tomorrow. We were founded in the aftermath of 9/11 with nothing but a vision and a computer. Today, we serve a diverse clientele with four distinct divisions – corporate; book pr; lifestyle, entertainment, and sports; and public affairs. Regardless of your PR need, the outcome in working with Strategic Vision PR Group is an enhanced reputation and brand – and public voice that inspires and motivates your targeted audiences. Strategic Vision PR Group understands the value of emerging media as well as traditional print & broadcast coverage and ensures our clients have a strong and ongoing social media presence. It is this innovative approach that allow
Office United States
Head office
Atlanta , GA, United StatesServices
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