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JMPR Public Relations
01 Jan 1977
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
To create the most compelling targeted campaigns, we listen to our client’s needs and accept them as our own. We become strategic partners to align our efforts with our clients’ goals and objectives. This synergy enables us to engineer dynamic campaigns and leverage the most powerful press for our clients. Our approach is simple, aggressive, and thorough. We provide targeted media relations coupled with precise brand positioning. By implementing campaigns in a practiced and sustained manner, JMPR attains maximum exposure for our clients using strong national media contacts for high-profile opportunities. We combine the best of traditional media with emerging trends to create multi-faceted campaigns. Our comprehensive approach ensures the most effective exposure designed to strengthen brand image and influence key consumers while generating heightened public awareness and interest.
Office United States
Head office
Los Angeles, CA, United StatesServices
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