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Fredricks Communications
01 Jan 2004
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Fredricks Communications is a freelance advertising, branding and public relations company with one employee - Martin C. Fredricks IV. I help regional, national and international businesses and organizations sell well. As an independent consultant, I pull together teams of highly qualified freelancers to complete my clients' projects. These include graphic designers, web architects, web designers, photographers, social media specialists and so on. In addition to taking care of all messaging strategy, copywriting and content creation, I serve as the account manager and project manager overseeing the work of other freelancers on the team. Since 2004, I've been assisting B2B and B2C companies in building brand image, equity and reputation, improving overall communication programs and increasing sales. I do it by building and telling their stories, and I do that by developing strongly differentiated strategies, creating compelling communication tools and tying it all together with clear, concise and consistent me
Office United States
Head office
Fargo, North Dakota, United StatesServices
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