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Squeaky Wheel Public Relations
Nashville, TN
01 Jan 2014
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Squeaky Wheel is a Nashville-based public relations agency specializing in local brands. As principal and owne, I will learn your story and use a variety of strategies to share that story with the media and your customer base. With more than a decade of experience, I specialize in hospitality and entertainment clients with an emphasis on locally owned businesses. Relationships are key, and I take an organic approach to building them with writers, editors, bloggers and community partners. My strategy with clients is this: we must have chemistry. If I don't love what you offer, I can't represent you well. This means I'm lucky, because I love the folks I represent and fully believe in them. Areas of focus include PR strategy, community outreach, grassroots marketing, event planning and management, social media integration, and advertising/promotions. I will meet both long and short term goals by building and implementing a custom plan.
Head office
Nashville, TNServices
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