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Oratorio DC
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Being an effective spokesperson requires a new set of skills, many of which are counterintuitive and must be learned. In Oratorio’s television studio three blocks from the White House and at client locations around the world, Oratorio teaches spokespeople how to handle the toughest media interviews and stay on message with credibility. Media training should of course be timely and applicable to the specific kinds of situations you encounter in your work - and it should also be fun. We make extensive use of on-camera interviews and playback in lively and hands-on scenarios: news conferences, satellite and Skype-style interviews, face-to-face, over-the-phone, “ambushes” and more. Each participant develops self-confidence and learns a powerful method for developing messages and handling every kind of interaction with journalists. Want to know more? Please drop us a line at [email protected] or call 202-408-7949.
Office United States
Head office
Washington, District of Columbia, United StatesServices
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