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The Gulko Group
01 Jan 2013
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Provide leadership as a strategist with a passion and commitment to creating game-changing communications ideas designed to capture mindshare. You've worked hard to create a dynamic brand, a newsworthy brand and more importantly - a great business story. A story that deserves strategic game-changing ideas and a communications engine to create brand buzz that buzzes the competition. At The Gulko Group, we deliver the unexpected. As media strategists, we have an unending passion and commitment to break through the "marketing noise" and deliver your news to the most influential global, national, and local media. Our entrepreneurial spirit guides us to create break-through ideas and exciting initiatives designed to capture mindshare, build brand engagement, and overall, drive revenue, growth, and loyalty. We're small, yet powerful. From The White House to Grey Goose to The Butler - to new ventures and growth businesses and non-profits - we create compelling stories that inspire people to take action. We'd love to
Office United States
Head office
Boston, MA, United StatesServices
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Above average
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