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Media Mic
01 Jan 2018
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Media Mic is a Delhi based PR startup founded by two young and enthusiastic PR professionals who aim to bring about a change in the PR industry by making it analytics, data and deliverables driven. We believe in 'No one plan fits all' and thus the communication strategy for every client is customised according to the brand's image, needs, audience and budget. Our client list has been a mix of startups like TrulyMadly, Inito, Eupheus Learning, established firms like NETGEAR, Microsoft and Hitachi and government bodies like Estonian Embassy in India. All of them have been able to receive quiet a lot of interest from the media, their audience and investors in the recent past. If you are looking for a PR Partner, feel free to reach us at [email protected]
Office India
Head office
New Delhi, Delhi, IndiaServices
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