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Ozmotik (Acquired by Onclusive)
01 Jan 2016
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Ozmotik is an analytics technology company that measures post-click engagement of earned editorial and paid native content. For marketers who amplify PR coverage, Ozmotik's measurement provides post-click visibility to reveal which stories, publications, distribution partners, and audiences deliver meaningful engagement and ROI. This allows you to optimize performance and make your budgets work harder for you. For Native Content Campaigns, Ozmotik unifies all your content analytics in one easy-to-use platform. Real-time content measurement allows you to allocate spend behind your winning content and improve the under-performers. Get an apple-to-apples comparison between publisher partners, distribution channels, and leverage reporting insights to improve future content campaigns.
Office United States
Head office
San Francisco, CA, United StatesServices
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Public Relations Firms
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