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Nautilus Communications
01 Jan 1996
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Nautilus Communications is a boutique marketing communications firm working exclusively with mission-driven organizations and social impact businesses. The firm is based in New York City, with associates in Los Angeles, Washington DC, Chicago, Houston, Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, and other cities. Nautilus offers senior-level consulting and expertise on a wide range of marcom matters: media relations and spokesperson training, content development and social media, branding, strategic planning, reputation management, and stakeholder engagement. As a commtech firm, Nautilus offers digital marketing, analytics, search engine optimization, and website redesign to support Google’s core web vitals. A pioneer in the “virtual agency” model some 25 years ago, Nautilus maximizes impact while keeping overhead costs to a minimum for nonprofit and social impact clients.
Office United States
Head office
New York, NY, United StatesServices
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