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Porter, LeVay & Rose
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Porter, LeVay & Rose is a premier full-service boutique investor relations and corporate communications firm. For more than 38 years, we've monitored the pulse of Wall Street from our New York headquarters. Our clients, who represent a cross-section of industries, including technology, biotech, medical device, manufacturing, business services and retail, consistently turn to us for the best in investor relations, media and editorial services. PLR achieves results by increasing our clients' visibility, influencing the financial community, and ensuring that messages are accurately articulated and fully disseminated. PLR has worked with clients in the initial stages of the Pre-IPO, non-public/companies, and crisis management. We have been the choice of many companies over the years, and have earned the reputation of putting our clients in front of the 'right' audience. We've been successful at aggressively telling our clients' stories, increasing institutional ownership, gaining media coverage and retaining posi
Office United States
Head office
New York, NY, United StatesServices
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Public Relations Firms
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