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Heather Magidsohn Consulting
01 Jan 2009
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Heather Magidsohn Consulting (HMC) is a dynamic, full service communications agency highly specialized in Public Relations, VIP Engagement and Marketing Services for both established and emerging fashion, accessory and lifestyle brands. Principal Heather Magidsohn founded HMC in 2009, after a long history working with Italian luxury houses including Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Missoni, and many more. Given this background, each brand we work with – even if more aspirational in nature – is assessed through a luxury lens and positioned in the proper way to net the attention and attraction of their particular consumer base. We craft strategic, individualized campaigns for clients that assess their brand DNA and amplify their most marketable assets, helping them cut through the clutter of today’s marketplace. Our seasoned team develops creative solutions that ensure high impact results, generating increased brand awareness to consumers, celebrities and industry tastemakers—ultimately increasing our clients’ bottom li
Office United States
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Los Angeles, California, United StatesServices
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