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Pressvine Worldwide Ltd
Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
01 Jan 2010
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Pressvine is an innovative software application that brings together all of your organisations communications tasks into a single activity. Streamlining the way your communication department works and saving you time. Pressvine has a built in database of more than 20,000 journalists and editors. Pressvine allows you to create and distribute news releases to a targeted media audience and at the same time, send your customers a newsletter, update your website news page and social media pages - all with one click. You can raise your profile on a bigger scale without the fuss by using Pressvine's innovative PR tool. Pressvine is a UK based public relations software developer managed by in-house editors, marketeers and media professionals. Understanding the problem and providing the solution through the use of advanced IT and industry knowledge.
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