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PR Professionals
01 Jan 2011
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
PR Professionals is an innovative PR Agency which understands the importance of relationship building, consumer needs and publicity. We are headquartered in Gurgaon with branch offices in New Delhi, Bangalore, Chandigarh and Patna and associates in many other critical locations. With an objective to create best communication strategy to our client so that they can reach their business and communication goals, you will find that our young and dynamic go-getters across India are working conscientiously towards our client's interests. The vision, The business model, The people, The insight, The approach and The Dedication of our team set us apart from any other PR agencies in India. With effective Media Management your reach, your company and your product surpasses all boundaries. PR Professionals is the best in generating that attention. We muster 50+ years of media relations expertise to put you in the spotlight when and where it will do the best. PR Professionals has an aggressive team with an extensive netwo
Office India
Head office
Gurgaon, Haryana, IndiaServices
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