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Mockingbird Communications
01 Jan 2005
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Mockingbird Communications is a consultancy primarily focused on working with B2B technology companies that are ready to take their communications to the next level. For us, it doesn’t matter if a business is just entering the market or has an existing foothold. There is just nothing more fun and exciting than creating a customized communications strategy to help a client reach their goal by generating more market awareness. We’ve worked both on the agency-side and in-house at major technology companies and had great experiences. But when it came time for us to put up our own shingle, we wanted to do it our way. With the team we wanted and the clients we enjoyed. That’s why we created a virtual consultancy with the best partners in the industry – so we could put our time, energy and talents toward doing great work for our clients instead of focusing on day-to-day business management. Through our model we are able to scale quickly and effectively, bringing in the most highly-skilled resources as needed for our
Office United States
Head office
Phoenix, AZ, United StatesServices
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