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Stacy McLaughlin Communications
01 Jan 2001
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Stacy McLaughlin Communications is a boutique luxury public relations and integrated marketing communications company. Founded in 2001, the firm serves a broad clientele from architects and interior designers, art and design galleries, artists, real estate, publishing, and specialty retail. SMC has a very hands-on and personal approach to public relations and marketing strategy for our clients. We believe strongly in seeking appropriate editorial coverage for our clients but also in bringing smart, innovative ideas to the table. Our PR campaigns take a 360 degree overview, looking at everything to assist our clients, providing a wide range of results oriented services from communications consulting, strategic partnerships, social media strategy, brand positioning, image development, and special events management. With several team members having years of experience working at both large and small agencies SMC is able to bring a distinct point of view and offer the best services with sophistication and profess
Office United States
Head office
New York, NY, United StatesServices
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