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McKay Communications
01 Jan 2009
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
To us, good communication means hearing what your consumers have to say. Strengthening the direct exchange between you and your audience is what we do best. McKay Communications provides businesses and organizations with the most progressive kind of public relations tactics and marketing efforts. While the fundamentals of marketing and public relations remain the same, today’s new practices are nothing short of revolutionary. Word-of-mouth spreads information more efficiently than ever before. The Internet allows organizations to reach their audience by speaking to them directly through ever-expanding social media networks, online communities and digital media platforms. We work to provide clients with flexibility, giving them the option to use the specific services they need at the time they need them most. From comprehensive PR plans to one-time event management projects, we help clients prioritize their communications efforts so that we can help to effectively reach goals, while staying within budget.
Office United States
Head office
Charleston, SC, United StatesServices
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