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Pearl PR Group
01 Jan 2007
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Pearl PR Group is an accomplished public relations & special events company. Known for our innovation & versatility, Pearl PR Group offers the expertise of the industry giants with the attention and focus of a boutique agency. Our personal network of Hollywood's best entertainment, industry's finest resources and the most creative minds combine to create memorable campaigns & events unparalleled by any other organization. As a premier full service company, our professional and devoted staff of experts specialize in a hybrid of PR and marketing campaigns, special events, media relations and branding, along with consultation services that have been sought out by some of the largest corporations in the nation. We built our business on honesty and integrity and our client's satisfaction is of the utmost priority for us. Let Pearl tailor our services to each of your project needs and see why the majority of our clients are referral-based.
Office United States
Head office
West Hollywood, CA, United StatesServices
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