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Delta Markets Group
01 Jan 2001
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Delta Markets Group provides strategic marketing and communications services for institutions, marketplaces, and technology companies in the financial, blockchain and commodity markets. The firm specializes in enhancing trading activity in cash and derivatives products and online platforms. DMG uses a proven approach integrating current market, technology and regulatory trends to develop and execute highly effective marketing and communications strategies. DMG staff has experience in sales, marketing, research and media relations in financial and commodity markets. DMG staff has launched numerous new products, introduced new trading and clearing systems and developed new exchanges in the U.S. and Europe. DMG has relationships with key market participants, including brokers, dealers, institutional investors and hedge funds. DMG develops marketing plans, provides direct marketing services to market participants as well as liaison to regulators and media.
Office United States
Head office
Farmington, Connecticut, United StatesServices
Votes for all services: 0
Public Relations
votes: 0
Public Relations Firms
votes: 0
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Profile score:
Above average
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