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01 Jan 2017
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
A communication consulting company grounded in theory, curiosity, and a lot of ambition. Our main goal was simple, to challenge and disrupt the communication industry. As we develop more platforms to reach bigger audiences, companies are starting to lose focus on the most important thing…the people. TruTheory has an audience centered approach to communication, meaning we put the focus on the consumer…What are they thinking? What’s their environment like? We identity the things that influence your audience’s decisions and help you create messaging that fulfills both your needs. We believe in fundamentally understanding who you’re communicating with, creating something that’s right for them, and executing it flawlessly. Communication is what we know, Branding is what we do! While we can offer you each service independently, we would love to package all the components together to bring your brand to life and delivered directly to your consumer.
Office United States
Head office
Ithaca, New York, United StatesServices
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