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Communiqué PR
01 Jan 2004
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Communiqué PR is a public relations and strategic communications firm serving national and global clients. Since our founding in 2004, we have served clients in a variety of industries, from technology and health care, to travel and entertainment. We're proud that most of our client relationships span years. We believe PR is and should be a means to an end: a way to gain market share, grow a brand, recruit talent, drive sales, or even the valuation of a company. What distinguishes our work is our ability to tell our clients' stories in a clear and compelling manner and in a way that takes full advantage of a fast-evolving communications landscape. We don't aspire to be the largest PR firm. Instead we aim to deliver results for our clients that move their businesses forward. We value highly collaborative relationships with our clients who appreciate having an agency at their side to help them meet company objectives. We are decidedly strategic in our thinking, focused in our implementation and dedicated to pro
Office United States
Head office
Seattle, Washington, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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Above average
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