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My Loud Speaker
Vancouver, Canada
01 Jan 2007
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Communication is never static. It’s constantly evolving, and so are we. We create fresh brands, targeted content and creative communications that work on every measurable level. Our small, diverse team is results focussed, business-minded, and strategically savvy across multiple sectors and industries. We believe in the protective shield of a strong brand. We believe in the creative power of collaboration. And we believe in the importance and appeal of social & ethnic equity. We have developed local initiatives and multi-channel national campaigns, and we have won some nice accolades and awards along the way. At MLS the first consult is always free, so please reach-out and ask us how we can help. And if you still need convincing, we invite you to view some of our recent work at
Head office
Vancouver, CanadaServices
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