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01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Founded in 2015, BRAND GROUPIES is a boutique social media, public relations, and personal branding agency. We partner with B2B service companies and C-suite leaders in real estate, architecture, design, commercial building, education, and the professional services industry to build and amplify their brands. The better you rock your brand, the louder your fan base. We obsess over your brand together - whether your company is a few years old or 100+. Our mission is to help you prioritize your company’s long-term goals for the best ROI, creatively reach your target market, and implement buzz-worthy strategies that will make you look and feel like a rock-star brand across all touch points. Tune in to the BRAND GROUPIES Podcast where Chief Executive Groupie Carey Balogh talks with inspiring brand leaders about how they are building and rocking their brands.
Office United States
Head office
Red Bank, NJ, United StatesServices
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