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Champion Management
Addison, TX
01 Jan 2002
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We typically don’t brag on ourselves, but Champion is an award-winning, privately held, full-service marketing, branding and public relations agency. Corporations, not-for-profits and entertainers hire us because we are experts in public relations, we build and execute spot-on local market activation plans and we know how to break through the clutter via traditional and social media. We’re based in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, but we’re calling on the media and working on local campaigns in 15-20 different states as you read this. Our clients call us “incredibly fast, creative and innovative,” “best in class,” “invaluable partners,” “a beacon of light amongst a sea of noise” and “the best full-service PR/LSM/social media agency I’ve ever worked with.” (We think they’re pretty awesome, too!)
Head office
Addison, TXServices
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