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Portland, OR
01 Jan 1990
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
LANE, a Finn Partners Company, combines deep experience, broad connections and unapologetic tenacity to deliver business-building results for clients from coast to coast. Since 1990, LANE has served as a trusted partner to national brands in the consumer/lifestyle, food and beverage, financial services, and technology sectors. Our strategic communications counsel is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of today’s business environment and backed by meticulous implementation, exceptional client service, constant attentiveness to new opportunities, and an unrelenting commitment to helping our clients achieve business success. Drawing on insights garnered from firsthand experience as well as from media, influencer and consumer circles, LANE’s multifaceted campaigns connect across digital and traditional platforms to inspire people to action. Our services include integrated PR campaigns; content strategy and creation; media and blogger relations; paid content placement and promotion; social media; influencer
Head office
Portland, ORServices
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