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Chicago, IL
01 Jan 2002
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Kivvit exists to provide innovative and immersive public affairs and communications strategies to our clients. Founded as a Chicago-based public affairs firm by Eric Sedler and David Axelrod in 2002, the firm has been growing aggressively over the last six years. ASGK opened a Washington, D.C. office in 2009. In 2010, ASGK backed Maggie Moran in launching M Public Affairs in New York and New Jersey. The Miami office opened in January this year. Managing Partners Sedler and Moran will lead Kivvit in establishing the brand and positioning the firm for the future. The firm’s professionals are industry leaders with a sophisticated understanding of the relationships between business, government, media and politics in each market. That experience comes from years of working in media relations, crisis management, executive positioning, government, digital communications and campaign management. Working from offices in New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Miami, our 70 professionals provide this exper
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