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Dezenhall Resources
Washington, DC
01 Jan 1987
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Dezenhall Resources, Ltd. is one of the most trusted crisis management firms. One of the first practitioners of the crisis management discipline, we are pioneers in the field. Over the past 30 years we have guided a vast number of businesses, trade groups and nonprofits through crises big and small. Crises that threaten to damage an organization's ability to do business or threaten its reputation happen through the course of everyday operations. We help clients facing product recalls; health, safety or environmental concerns; financial and corporate controversies; competitor disputes; litigation; internet attacks; and workplace issues, to name a few. Our role ranges from risk assessment and pre-crisis planning to hands-on campaign management should a challenge arise or an incident occur. Whatever the crisis, we help our clients manage through it, so they can get back to their core business.
Head office
Washington, DCServices
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