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Larson Communications
01 Jan 2007
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Larson Communications is the only strategic communications firm in the nation specializing in public education reform. We work selectively with groups that are committed to advancing academic achievement and increasing access to quality educational opportunities. We help organizations tell their stories. We specialize in five key areas of communications: strategic positioning, public relations, storytelling, crisis management and public advocacy. Larson Communications works with education leaders and organizations across the country, including public school systems, charter school networks, education technology organizations, advocacy and research groups, and higher education institutions. Many of our clients are particularly focused on improving education for students in underserved communities. We raise their visibility, strengthen their narratives, and work closely with them to plan and execute communications campaigns that inspire their communities, so that they can have the greatest possible impact on st
Office United States
Head office
San Francisco, California, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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