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Carter & Co. Communications
Fresno, CA
01 Jan 2010
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Carter & Co. Communications, Inc is a Crisis & Strategic communications firm that provides services such as brand development, community outreach, crisis communications, reputation management, lobbying, and campaign management. What separates us from typical branding agencies is our ability to tell the clients story in a way that puts them front and center in the eyes and minds of their target audience using a variety of non-traditional tactics. Our clients range from manufacturers, engineering firms, high end transportation companies, environmental contractors, service companies, physicians, restaurants, and developers. Our business model allows for us to provide services to multinational corporations as well as locally owned small businesses. Everyone loves a good story, and every business has one to tell. We would love to tell yours! Give us a call. (559) 321-8884
Head office
Fresno, CAServices
Votes for all services: 0
Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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