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01 Jan 1984
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
B|W|R is an award-winning entertainment, lifestyle and corporate PR firm
that has waged innovative campaigns aimed at consumer and business
audiences for nearly four decades. Equally adept at corporate
communications and creative strategies, we are a results-focused agency
built on the core capabilities of media relations, event marketing and
celebrity/influencer engagement, bolstered by our in-house social media
department. B|W|R’s departments span television & filmed content,
technology, consumer brands, fashion & beauty, hotels & resorts, retail,
restaurants, special events, nonprofit & cause-driven, and talent & music.
With deep media and Hollywood relationships, and the cachet of our talent
clients, we are expert at leveraging the power of pop culture and the
allure of celebrity to benefit a breadth of campaigns. B|W|R Public
Relations is based in Beverly Hills and New York City.
Office United States
Head office
Beverly Hills, CA, United StatesServices
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