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Evoke Marketing
New York, New York
01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Evoke is a New York City based boutique agency specializing in public relations, social media and marketing for lifestyle brands in the travel, food, wine and spirits, wellness and consumer goods industries. Founded in 2015 by seasoned lifestyle and travel publicist Jessica Del Guercio, the agency develops smart, integrated public relations strategies that effectively create and communicate a brand’s story with the target consumer in mind. The agency’s core capabilities include public relations campaign strategy development and implementation, traditional earned media relations (the bread and butter), social media management, strategic partnerships and alliances, special events and influencer engagement. Evoke's team features a passionate blend of storytellers, creative thinkers and media mavens, all with an impressive rolodex of editorial contacts and a knack for clever pitching. An agency “in the know,” the team at Evoke thinks beyond traditional media relations, developing relative and insightful marketing
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