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Kite Hill PR
New York, NY
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Based in New York City with a team in the U.K., Kite Hill PR is an agile tech PR agency specializing in the media, advertising and tech sectors. Spanning well beyond traditional PR, the agency offers three service divisions. The Kite Hill Content Studio delivers custom content creation from social media to research reports and data-centric white papers. The company’s events division, Kite Hill Experiences, creates stand-out events such as roundtables and corporate conferences. Kite Hill PR has been recognized as one of the “Top Specialist PR Agencies” by the New York Observer and a “Top Place to Work in PR” by PR News. The agency is also the driving force behind the global industry-leading conference, Communications Week, and the creator of the PR Sprint™ workflow, an agile model for the PR industry.
Head office
New York, NYServices
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