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Olmstead Williams
01 Jan 2008
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Olmstead Williams Communications is an award-winning public relations and social media agency serving clients nationally from offices in Los Angeles and Seattle. The firm works with technology and professional services companies to meet their sales and marketing objectives, raise their brand profile, and capture mind and market share. The agency boasts a growing team and client roster of leading innovators, from healthcare and software companies to advanced technology and patent portfolios. Olmstead Williams Communications professionals are exceptional communicators and social media gurus for the engineers, scientists, and financial and business executives who are creating great companies. Founder and CEO Tracy Williams has helped clients build their reputations through PR for 25 years. She has represented industry leaders such as Hewlett Packard, Computer Science Corporation (CSC), Acer, California Energy Commission, Ernst & Young, Greenberg Traurig, Oberthur Technologies, Dimensional Fund Advisors and the U
Office United States
Head office
Los Angeles, CA, United StatesServices
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