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Your People
Huntington Woods, MI
01 Jan 2007
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
If you’re looking for direction, growth, or guidance on how to attract your target audience, we can help. Your People LLC is a marketing & messaging agency that articulates the human elements behind a brand and communicates them to the world, creating real connections at a time when people are more distant than ever. ✅ Contact us: (248) 376-0406 or [email protected] The quiet brilliance of successful businesses and nonprofits comes from a consistent dedication to strategic messaging, marketing and public relations. Your People grew out of a desire to make meaning in an era of distant communication. As social media and online presence grew, we realized the power in human connection, in telling true stories about inspiring brands, in the necessity of purpose. We provide strategic public relations and marketing communications to connect entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and businesses with their best audiences toward building brand awareness and growing business. We work closely with you to translate the mission and pa
Head office
Huntington Woods, MIServices
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