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Gold PR
Irvine, CA
01 Jan 2001
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
An integrated, data-driven communications agency rooted in PR, GOLD takes a holistic approach to every client business opportunity, which translates into campaigns that drive action, engagement, leads and conversions – in other words, results. Our specialty is integrating brand communications programs across traditional, social and digital media for some of the world's most significant and successful brands in CPG, health and wellness, beauty, medical technology, pharma, lifestyle, automotive, consumer tech, retail and food and beverage. We are an independently-owned firm with boutique quality service and global agency results and resources. We were founded on the belief that size does matter. We represent the best of both worlds -- inventive, nimble and entrepreneurial in our approach, yet big enough to handle the largest and most complex assignments. The GOLD team is comprised entirely of senior level award-winning marketing, PR, social and digital media professionals that are passionate about delivering re
Head office
Irvine, CAServices
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