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Bliss Integrated
01 Jan 1975
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Bliss Integrated Communication is a 45-year old integrated marketing communication agency that partners with top-tier healthcare, financial and professional services companies—and those who live “in between”—to build reputation and sales through strategic PR, thought leadership, targeted digital media and analytics. Bliss focuses on finding the whitespace that makes each business unique, driving toward business goals and securing real results. Clients include some of the most respected names in the industries served; average tenure among large clients is eight-plus years. What sets Bliss apart is its dedicated and experienced executives, an understanding of how to forge deep, long-lasting client partnerships and an unwavering commitment to success. For more information about Bliss Integrated, please visit us at
Office United States
Head office
New York, New York, United StatesServices
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