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Cinch PR
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Cinch is a San Francisco-based public relations and branding firm, specializing in luxury travel & hospitality, food & wine, and health & wellness. The Cinch PR team believes in a pragmatic philosophy of public relations. This philosophy stems from the belief that successful PR is accomplished through a strategic research-based foundation, deeply rooted in the discovery of the true essence of a brand. Through extensive experience marketing and launching influential consumer lifestyle products and services, Cinch PR has developed a tactical process that uncovers and leverages the strengths of a brand, identifying its key differentiators and distinctive capabilities. With an authentic understanding of what a brand is and where that brand excels, a genuine story unfolds to be shared with both current and new customers. The Cinch story is always linked to the brand’s core business goals; whether it’s increasing market share, driving additional sales or inspiring customer loyalty. Cinch PR eliminates the need for
Office United States
Head office
San Francisco, CA, United StatesServices
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