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Redleaf Polhill
01 Jan 2000
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Redleaf Communications is a financial, financial services and corporate public relations agency providing a full range of services to our clients. The agency has been building brands and protecting reputations since it was founded by its chief executive, Emma Kane in January 2000. Redleaf creates bespoke, strategic communications plans for each client using media relations, investor relations and content driven multi-channel communications to make an impact. The Agency was voted Financial PR Agency of the Year at the Growth Company Awards and has grown to become a top 20 independent agency in the UK and a top 10 financial PR agency. Redleaf boasts an experienced team of senior communication specialists and former journalists known for creativity, passion and focus on creating and delivering solutions-led campaigns. As part of Porta Communications plc, Redleaf works with partner agencies around the world, which also offer specialist expertise in financial and corporate communications, financial services, and p
Office United Kingdom
Head office
London, United KingdomServices
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Content Marketing
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Marketing Strategy
votes: 0
Other Digital Marketing
votes: 0
Public Relations
votes: 0
Public Relations Firms
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Social Media Marketing
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Profile score:
Above average
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