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Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
AudiencePoint’s Send Time Optimization [#sto] technology helps marketers increase open and click-through rates, while progressively improving their sender reputation for better inbox placement. We do that by transforming bulk email campaigns into time-optimized sends, so each message hits the inbox the moment each subscriber is most likely to engage. How? We use statistical analysis and machine learning to compare your email list to the 2 billion profiles already in our dataset to build a reliable predictive model of the day and time each subscriber on your list is most likely to engage. Our partnership with SalesForce Marketing Cloud enables us to work with the best brands in the world to drive more customer value, increase brand loyalty and crush revenue and engagement targets every day. What would a 10-20% lift in engagement mean for your program? Get a conversation started to see how we can help deliver for you.
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