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JDM Growth Group
Cleveland, Ohio
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
JDM Growth Group provides full turn-key E-commerce solutions to their partners of all different sizes. Specializing in Marketplace Account Management and On-boarding, B2B & B2C systems integration, Wholesale/Retail E-Commerce Growth Strategies and Implementation. JDM was founded by multiple former CEO's who have grown multi-million dollar companies from the ground up. In addition, our Marketplace Account Management team is led by former Amazonians. What differentiates us from others is the fact that we have lived and breathed all aspects of the SUPPLIER side of business. Understanding the challenges and leveraging our experience in the E-Commerce world helps us offer an unmatched level of expertise to our clients. Whether you are currently selling on E-Retail marketplaces such as Amazon, Jet/Walmart or Wayfair and would like to accelerate your growth & profit, or you would like to launch your E-Com Marketplace - JDM offers a fully customizable approach to fit our customers needs. We believe in honesty, transp
Head office
Cleveland, OhioReviews
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