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Good People Branding
01 Jan 2009
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Good People Branding is a retail and consumer branding and idea company. We are a collaborative of critical and creative thinkers. We work in brand strategy, advertising, design and online to help brands have meaningful conversations. Specifically this includes: + Retail Strategy + In-Store Experience + Merchandising Strategy & Design + Digital & Interactive Strategy + Design & Development + Advertising Concepting & Production Clients of the people of Good People Branding have included: + Target, Best Buy, Kohl's, Room & Board, Disney, Macy's, OPI Nail Lacquer, Nickelodeon, Children's Television Workshop, Metro Magazine, Iconoculture. Designers and design partnerships we have created strategies for include: + Phillippe Starck, Vera Wang, Isaac Mizrahi, Karim Rashid, Cynthia Rowley, Todd Oldham, Stephen Sprouse, and Mossimo. Celebrities we've managed projects for include: + Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, Stevie Wonder, Tina Turner and so many others.
Office United States
Head office
Minneapolis, MN, United StatesReviews
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Above average
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